Mastering Git Rebase (2023): Workflow, Options & Best Practices

A step-by-step tutorial on using git rebase, highlights interesting options to enhance your productivity, and shares essential best practices to maintain a clean commit history and minimize conflicts.


Use git rebase BRANCH_NAME to pull changes from the branch BRANCH_NAME while keeping your current changes.

Written by @bazamel_

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The “git rebase” command integrates changes from one branch onto another by applying each individual commit in chronological order.

How do I use git rebase?

To use the git rebase command, follow the steps below:

  1. Checkout the branch - Start by checking out the branch you want to rebase onto, for example, main: git checkout main.
  2. Initiate the rebase - Run the rebase command, specifying the branch you want to integrate, such as feature-branch: git rebase feature-branch.
  3. Resolve conflicts - If there are any conflicts during the rebase process, Git will pause and prompt you to resolve them manually.
  4. Continue the rebase - After resolving conflicts, use git rebase --continue to continue applying the remaining commits.
  5. Push the changes - Once the rebase is complete, push the rebased branch to the remote repository: git push origin main.

By performing these steps, the changes from feature-branch are integrated into main while maintaining a clean and linear commit history.

Why is rebasing useful?

Using git rebase in these scenarios allows for better collaboration, easier conflict resolution, and a cleaner commit history, leading to more efficient development workflows:

Some options worth remembering

Example: git rebase -i HEAD~3

Example: git rebase --continue

Example: git rebase --abort

Example: git rebase --skip

Example: git rebase --onto main feature-branch

Example: git rebase -i --autosquash HEAD~5

Example: git rebase --ignore-whitespace

Best practices for using git rebase