Git vs Github: Differences, Use Cases, and Examples

Understanding the key differences between Git vs Github.


Git is a versioning tool. Github is a web platform to host and manage Git repositories.

Written by @bazamel_

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Git and GitHub are two popular tools used by developers for version control and collaboration. While they are often used interchangeably, they are not the same thing. In this article, we will explore the key differences between Git and GitHub and how they work together to help developers manage their code.

What’s Git?

Git is a version control system that allows developers to track changes to their code over time. It is a command-line tool that can be installed on a developer’s local machine. Git allows developers to create a “repository” where they can store their code and track changes made to it. They can also “commit” changes to the repository, which creates a new version of the code that can be tracked and later retrieved if needed.

What’s Github?

GitHub, on the other hand, is a web-based platform that provides a user interface for working with Git repositories. It allows developers to create, share, and collaborate on code projects. Developers can create a “repository” on GitHub, which is essentially a remote version of the repository on their local machine. They can then “push” their code to the GitHub repository, which makes it available to other developers.

Pros & Cons of Git & GitHub

One of the biggest advantages of using GitHub is the ability to collaborate with others on a project. Developers can “fork” a repository, which creates a copy of the code that they can work on independently. They can then “pull request” changes they have made back to the original repository, where the project owner can review and merge them. This makes it easy for developers to work together on a project and contribute to the codebase.

Git vs GitHub Summary

In summary, Git is a command-line tool that allows developers to track changes to their code and create a local repository. GitHub is a web-based platform that provides a user-friendly interface for working with Git repositories and allows for collaboration on code projects. Together, these tools make it easy for developers to manage and share their code with others.